modulus - definição. O que é modulus. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é modulus - definição

Modulus and modulo; Moduli; Modulus (disambiguation); Modulous; Modulus (mathematics); Modulos

¦ noun (plural moduli -l??, -li:) Mathematics
1. another term for absolute value (in sense 1).
the positive square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.
2. a constant factor or ratio, especially one relating a physical effect to the force producing it.
3. a number used as a divisor for considering numbers in sets, numbers being considered congruent when giving the same remainder when divided by it.
C16: from L., lit. 'measure', dimin. of modus.
·noun A quantity or coefficient, or constant, which expresses the measure of some specified force, property, or quality, as of elasticity, strength, efficiency, ·etc.; a parameter.
Modulus is the diminutive from the Latin word modus meaning measure or manner. It, or its plural moduli, may refer to the following:



Modulus is the diminutive from the Latin word modus meaning measure or manner. It, or its plural moduli, may refer to the following:

Exemplos de pronúncia para modulus
1. Now the modulus-- oh, yup?
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2. And that slope is the Young's modulus.
Extreme-3D Printing _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
3. It has a modulus of one kilopascal,
Big Data of the Nervous System _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
4. It has a modulus of 1,400 gigapascals,
Big Data of the Nervous System _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
5. we can tune this initial modulus,
Extreme-3D Printing _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para modulus
1. The front section is rigid so it‘s not going to allow the chest to jump about and the ‘modulus‘ in the wingspan is strictly controlled so that it will really support the back and therefore help balance the front.